As the weather turns gloomy, we love the radiance of bright interior design. From technicolor front doors to ceiling murals, from monochromatic wallscapes to contrasting color chaos… we adore these 6 interior design bloggers who prove to us that more really is more. 

Instagram is our go-to for interior design inspo– be it minimal and modern, classic, or in this case, rainbow bright! With The 3D App, we can scan and plan our home makeover using the in-app measuring tools and accurate virtual home touring views. Looking to liven up your abode? Look no further than the colorful accounts below:

If you’ve been tuning into Trixie Motel on Discovery+, you may be familiar with the gal behind the wacky wallpaper and countless coats of pink paint on her interiors; miss Dani Dazey. It turns out, Dani’s own homes (she and her husband own a California property, plus a Joshua Tree mid century AirBNB) are just as fun, colorful, and unexpected. We adore her take on maximalism, which includes wallpaper on the ceiling, statement floors, and murals featuring her own graphic art.

An interior design consultant by day, Jen, of Half Painted House creates colorful and genius renovations to her own home on her off hours. From monochromatic bookshelf built-ins, to clever cat-friendly space-saving solutions, her taste in color pairings and wallpaper patterns will certainly earn her a worthy place in your “saved” posts.

As one part of Colorful Home Vibe– a must follow account combining the best of the colorful interior decorator-side of the internet– Kate Rose Morgan has an eclectic house that stands out among the pack. If pastels are your thing, you’ll swoon over her pink walls, blue and lilac furniture, and statement details (dalmation staircase, anyone?). Even on a small budget, you’ll get some brilliant ideas from this technicolor account.

A love story that unfolds in a couple’s passion for interior design. Jess and Rick’s home is a sweet pastel paradise with enviable closet space, painted ceilings, a skylit library, and a bevy of sweet details like stained glass and picture frame moldings. Sigh… can we stay here forever?

Describing her home as her canvas, blogger and baker Samantha Klein’s house may feel muted compared to those above, but the magic’s in the details. Colorful choices surround her in the form of retro mirrors, artful lamps, and shelving units that could pass as sculptures on their own. The space gives off a mermaid-vibe– made stronger by the pink-tiled swimming pool out back. You know what they say– the seaweed is always greener in somebody else’s lake! Don’t mind if we dive right in.

Sam Ushiro started her career as a craft blogger, but since buying a home with her husband in Austin, her feed has been wowing us with clean, colorful, retro-inspired interior design ideas that have us browsing Home Depot on our work break. Her late ‘60s/early ‘70s aesthetic includes flower power-shaped decorations, a mustard yellow bathroom scheme, and an impressive office mural that appears to blend seamlessly with a custom crafted rug. Sam breaks down each DIY on her blog so you can replicate the look in your own home. The walk-in closet IKEA hack is budget-friendly goals.

Have you got a picture-perfect colorful home that you’re just DIY-dying to show off? Scan your interior design skills and submit your virtual tour for a chance to be featured as Tour Of The Month on socials! Learn more here.